


传统焊工的工作已经, 而且还在继续, 对我国基础设施的发展至关重要. Every building, bridge, 和 machine showcases the custom work of a welder. Traditional 焊接 jobs involve working with materials that will be used for buildings, 车辆, 医疗设备, 甚至是景点, 比如在主题公园和嘉年华上玩的那些.

Welding is the process of fabricating 和 assembling structures 和 equipment — usually metals — using heat. Welders can use their training 和 experience on the job to be fabricators, 刀具, 装配工, 钎焊工, 或者弧算子. 

完成动手操作 焊接培训计划 can help equip individuals with the knowledge 和 expertise needed to pursue any of a number of different types of 焊接 jobs in a variety of industries. 


Welding is an exciting field in which professionals work on projects that range from artistic sculptures to 石油 和 气体 infrastructure. 训练有素的焊工 work in the 航空航天, construction, manufacturing, 和 automotive sectors, among others. Following are five types of 焊接 jobs that 焊接 program graduates can pursue:

1. 工业焊接

Industrial 焊接 is among the types of 焊接 jobs that are a cornerstone of the modern manufacturing 和 construction industries. Industrial welders join pieces of metal using heat 和 pressure. 

工业焊工在各种部门工作, 比如汽车行业, 航空航天, 以及造船行业, 他们在哪里制造机器, 车辆, 管道, 以及建筑物和桥梁等结构. The knowledge 和 expertise of industrial welders help ensure that structures meet safety 和 quality st和ards.

2. 管道焊接

The field of pipe 焊接 focuses on joining multiple sections of pipe to create strong, 耐用, 防漏连接. This type of 焊接 is commonly employed to build 和 maintain 管道 used to transport water, 气体, 石油, 和化学物质.

Pipe welders work in a variety of environments, depending on the industry they work in. 例如, while pipe welders in the 石油 和 气体 industry often work at refineries 和 drilling sites, those in the construction industry may work at residential or commercial building sites to install water 和 sewage plumbing systems. 

3. 深海焊接

Deep sea 焊接 is a specialized form of underwater 焊接 that’s typically conducted thous和s of feet below sea level. This type of 焊接 is primarily used to repair 和 maintain a number of types of underwater structures, 比如石油钻井平台和深海管道. Deep sea welders work in pressurized chambers 和 use special 焊接 equipment designed to meet the challenges of working in this unique environment. 

A career in deep sea 焊接 takes high levels of skill 和 knowledge, 包括练习时间, 特殊的资格, 还有多年的经验. Aspiring deep sea welders will usually need to acquire a deep sea diving license. 深海焊接是一项体力要求很高的工作, but the work of these professionals is crucial to the shipping 和 石油 industries.

4. 美术焊接

Fine arts 焊接 involves using any of a number of 焊接 techniques to create intricate sculptures, 安装, 功能性艺术品. Professionals working in this specialized field use a variety of 焊接 methods, 如金属惰性气体(MIG)焊接, 钨惰性气体(TIG)焊接, 把焊接, 和 药芯电弧焊 把金属加工成经久耐用的艺术品.

Students interested in combining their love of metal with their passion for creating art are likely to find that becoming a fine arts welder aligns well with their passions. 纵观历史, there have been many famous sculptors 和 metalwork artists who were assisted by welders or were welders themselves. 从亚历山大考尔德到安东尼佩夫斯纳, metalwork artists specialize in 焊接 materials of different shapes 和 colors into unique works of art.

5. 现代焊接技术

Every race car boasts more than 950 hours of 焊接 before the vehicle ever touches blacktop. 从NASA到NASCAR, a host of organizations are in need of welders who can build light, 耐用, 以及高效的车辆和机器. 随着工业技术的不断进步, the robotics industry will need welders to put industrial 和 manufacturing equipment together.


Whether you are seeking a traditional career path or more adventurous opportunities, there are 焊接 careers out there to suit a variety of interests. 365英国上市官网提供 技术行业培训 英国正版365官方网站,包括 焊接技术文凭课程, at campuses across the United 状态s that can be completed in as little as a year. 如果你感兴趣的话, please call 1-855-436-7847 to schedule a campus visit or to request more information.

Are you ready to take the next step toward becoming a professional welder? 了解更多关于提供的课程 富通的技术职业学校以及毕业后可以从事的焊接工作类型.


贝克的气体 & 焊接用品,焊接艺术 
TWI,什么是管道焊接? 你需要知道的一切

